The Garden
The Garden
Water drops elongate and slide off
The pointed drooping tips
Of the olive green ferns
That velvet the bouncing, silver waterfall.
The water slithers and bounds
Down over the mossy stone steps.
The raucous song of bright blue parrots
Floats on the air where no mosquitoes fly.
(No goddamn flies and mosquitoes in my Garden of Eden!)
My eyes stare blindly at a broad leaf
For they look only inwards and watch
As my lips caress and kiss
The smooth muscular thigh
Which quivers at my touch.
Soft brown breasts rise and fall
Because her tender jewel is burning for me.
Or maybe she has just the touch of blue make up
Around her glowing sapphires
To make my Garden of Eden blossom radiantly.
– John E Leahy
ca 1972